Corporal White at TLC

Corporal White at TLC

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Gearing Up For Graduation!!!

It's that time of year again!!! Our Carebears are growing up and heading off to kindergarten. The classes are hard at work gearing up for preschool graduation; learning how to write and tie their shoes.
We will hold a graduation ceremony in our school-age room on Friday, May 29th at 9:00am.


Summer break is right around the corner and we have lots of activities planned for our school-aged kids. This summer we will have a "unit" for each week such as Olympic games, Celebrity, Luau, ect. Each class will have planned activities for each week.
We will be going on field trips to various places in Saline County such as Tinseltown Movie Theatre, Benton Skate Center, Mills Park Pool, and a few others.
In addition to these outings we will also have a talent show at the end of the summer and each week we will dress up for the current unit.

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