Corporal White at TLC

Corporal White at TLC

Thursday, September 30, 2010

3 Little Pigs

"Little Pigs, Little Pigs let me in" Growls the Big Bad Wolf (Alex)

"Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin" says the 3 Little Pigs (Lexi, Jenniva & Ellie)from inside the Brick house.

We have had such a great time with our first story from our storybook unit. Goldilocks and the 3 Bears are next.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Storybook Friends

Over the next four weeks we are studying different stories. We are starting with Three Little Pigs.

Carebear Parents:
We are getting ready for our Pumpkin Patch fieldtrip on October 1st. Be sure to sign both permission slips with you child's teacher!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Shapes This Week!

We are moving on to Shapes next week. We would love love love all of your help! Please find the following shapes in everday objects for your child to share with their class. We will send all items home on Friday:
Monday: Circle
Tuesday: Square
Wednesday: Triangle
Thursday: Rectangle
Friday: Any Shape!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Emma, Josie, and Claire so pretty in Pink

Claire and Konnor looking Dazzling in Purple

Just had to share this one! Jeter is such a good napper

Our color unit has been a great success. We hope you can tell at home also. The week Of September 13th will start our Opposites unit.
Are you having trouble remembering each week what your balance is? A great way to help with that is to join our EFT Program. Each week we will automatically deduct your balance from your account. You will be provided with a reciept at the beginning of each week so you will know exactly the amount that will be taken out. We have so many parent's that love this option because it helps them to not have to remember a check each week between all the hustle and bustle of daily activities.Stop in today and get the details!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Colors of Fall

We are hoping that by exploring all of our colors in class, we will actually start to see the colors of Fall begin to appear. We can't wait for that crisp cool air that goes along with all the beautiful colors of the season that your child will now be able to identify since we have been studying all of them! This next week will be Brown, Black, and Pink. Hopefully everyone is remembering what day to wear their colors on. Do not fret! we have them posted on all the doors as a friendly reminder for everyone to see. Check out our pictures up front took, to see how much fun we have been having with this unit. Hope everyone is having a great school year!