Corporal White at TLC

Corporal White at TLC

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A "Zoo"per Trip

Our Carebears had so much fun seeing all of the animals on their Zoo field trip! Just a few reminders, Our Pre K graduation, Mother's Day, as well as School age summer program are starting soon. If you have any questions about these events please do not hesitate to ask! The kids are very ready for summer!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Animals and More!

The kids have started studying animals and have been able to bring their pets from home to share with their classmates. They have had so much fun and we want to thank the parents that have helped out so far. We would love for those who have not, to bring their pets from home to show to their friends.We will start our Farm Animals unit next week. Also, Don't forget that our Zoo trip is coming up and will be on Thursday April 29th. We hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather and getting ready for summer!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring Has Sprung!

It's getting warmer and the kids are loving the beautiful weather. Our Easter egg hunt for the Preschool was so much fun and they had a blast. Our school age hunt will be tomorrow. Check out our pictures of all the fun. We hope everyone has a wonderful Easter and enjoy this beautiful weather.