Corporal White at TLC

Corporal White at TLC

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Halloween Carnival & Parties!!!

***Please remember to send a bag of individually wrapped candy with your child by Tuesday, October 27th. We will be distributing this candy at our halloween carnival on Friday, October 30th.***

***Your child will also be having a Halloween party in their classrooms on Friday, October 30th. There are sign-up lists on the clipboards in their classrooms, please sign-up to bring something. We will all be wearing our Halloween costumes that day as well!!!

Happy Halloween!!!!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Trip Rescheduled!!!!!

The Care Bear pumpkin patch trip has been rescheduled due to all of the rain! The new day and time is: Wednesday, October 28th at 10:00 am.
Please remember to send a sack lunch and your childs car seat that day!
We appologize for any inconvenience!