Corporal White at TLC

Corporal White at TLC

Friday, February 20, 2009

All About ME!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Staci's Notes:

I hope that everyone had a great Valentine's day. Over the next three weeks, we will be talking our "All About Me" unit. Please let you child's teacher know which address and phone number you would like for them to learn. This is especially important for the Care Bears considering kindergarten registration and assessment is right around the corner. We may not be sending home much work because we are making our All About Me books. We will also be having class birthday parties and talking about all of the people in our families.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Staci's Notes:

It is already time for our Valentine's parties! Be sure to check your child's classroom for their party and valentine lists. Wednesday the Teddy Bears, Pooh Bears, and Care Bears will be baking and decorating Valentine cookies. Thursday is our toy day, so your child may bring a toy that they love to share. Friday is our book day; so bringing a book about love would be great! This will also be our party day. We will have a mini party for both a.m. and p.m. snacks, but each child will have a chance to look at their valentines after their morning snack.

* Just a reminder*
To save yourself the $35 late fee, please pay tuition by Friday, 6 p.m. or sign up for our Electronic payment program!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Staci's Notes:

Well, it looks like six more weeks of winter are here to stay! Happy Ground Hog's Day! This week we will be talking about Wee Willie Winkie! Friday we will all wear our PJ's, so please remember so that your child won't be left out of the fun! The Care Bears are making a pie just like the Three Little Kittens for their cook day. The Pooh Bears and Teddy Bears will be making beds with pieces of cake and pillow marshmallows! Yummy! Valentine party sign-ups will be in your child's class by the end of this week! Be sure to sign up so you won't miss out!