Corporal White at TLC

Corporal White at TLC

Monday, January 26, 2009

Staci's Notes:

This week we are talking about Humpty Dumpty. We will be acting this nursery rhyme out also, be sure to ask how they did this. It will really surprise you! On Wednesday, we will be baking Humpty Dumpty Cookies. Yummy! Please be sure to send a coat appropriate for the weather. We will be going outside as much as possible!
Thank you.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Staci's Notes:

We are off and running with our Nursery Rhyme unit. This week we will be talking about Mary had a Little Lamb and Little Miss Muffett. The Teddy Bears are making Spider cookies, while the Pooh Bears and Care Bears are making Sheep treats for cook day. Friday is our book day, if you have a nursery rhyme book please bring it to share with your child's class.
Winter is now in full swing. We may not be able to go outside as often or for as long, but please send your child an appropriate jacket everyday. Thank you!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Staci's Notes:

We will begin our four week long unit of Nursery Rhymes by learning about Jack and Jill. The Care Bears and Pooh Bears will act out each nursery rhyme in their room to help them better remember each one. Everyone will be baking a grassy, green hill cake for cook day on Wednesday. Friday is our book day so it would be a great time to bring in a nursery rhyme to share with your child's class.

*School-Age Parents*
Please remember to let us know when your child is not riding. This saves the other children, parents, and van drivers from waiting to find out if they are riding.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Staci's Notes:

I hope that everyone had a happy and safe holiday. This week we begin our two week unit about Winter. Maybe we will even have some flurries for us to play and make a few snowballs. The Teddy Bears will be making Snowman S'mores ofr their cook day. The Pooh Bears and the Care Bears will be making Snowflake cookies. Yummy!
Our School Age kids are back to school this week. There were some very happy faces while they were loading up on the vans this morning. This week will begin our new tuition changes. If you can't remember the changes are posted below.

Staci's Notes:

INFANTS $131.50
TODDLERS $119.50

School Age

Registration fee $60.00 per child
Supply Fee (February, June, October) $18.00 per child
Breakfast fee $1.00
All Day Care $9.50
All Day Care for Non-Students $19.50