Corporal White at TLC

Corporal White at TLC

Friday, November 28, 2008

Staci's Notes:

We are wrapping up our Thanksgiving unit this week. Thank you so much to all of our Care Bear families that spent time out of their day to enjoy the feast. We had a great time and we hope you did, as well. Our picture proofs will need to be turned in by Monday, December 1st. This will give our photographer time to organize the packages and deliver them to us before Christmas. Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving holiday.

Friday, November 21, 2008

We are wrapping up our Thanksgiving unit this week. Thank you so much to all of our Care Bear families that spent time out of their day to enjoy the feast. We had a great time and we hope you did, as well. Our picture proofs will need to be turned in by Monday, December 1st. This will give our photographer time to organize the packages and deliver them to us before Christmas.
*School-Age Parents*
Benton and Westbrook will be out both Wednesday and Friday of this week. Please remember a sack lunch and to add the $9.50 all day fee to your tuition. Thank you!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Go West Days

Staci's Notes:

This week will start our two week unit of Thanksgiving. The Care Bears will be baking the pumpkin pies to share with their guests at the feast. The Teddy Bears and Pooh Bears will be making pumpkin pies for their feast in their rooms.
The Care Bears are working very hard on their Thanksgiving feast. They are so excited about performing for you on Thursday, November 20th. The feast will begin at 12:00. It will only last about an hour, so please try to make a point to have a guest for your child.
Just a reminder, we will be closed November 27th, to celebrate Thanksgiving with our families.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Staci's Notes:

We have decided to change things a little and we will be starting our “Go West” unit this week. Wednesday, we will be making Cowboy and Cowgirl cookies for cook day. Thursday, we are bringing Cowboy and Cowgirl toys, except stick horses. We will want those Friday for our “Camp out” and horse races.
The Care Bears are working very hard on their Thanksgiving feast. They are so excited about performing for you on Thursday, November 20th. The feast will begin at 12:00.
The proofs from picture day should be back really soon. You'll have about a week to decide on the packages you would like to purchase. This will give them plenty of time to have them back in time for Christmas.