Corporal White at TLC

Corporal White at TLC

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Fun

Staci's Notes:

The Halloween parade, carnival, and parties were a great hit. Thank you to all the parents for their help with everything today. We greatly appreciate everything you have done.
For the next two weeks, we will be learning about Fall. We will be painting fall leaves, making collages, leaf prints, and all sorts of other fun art activities. The Care Bears, Pooh Bears, and Teddy Bears will be making cornucopias for their cook day snacks.

*Picture Day*
November 7th is our picture day! We will be starting no later than 9:00.

The Care Bears are also beginning to prepare for the Thanksgiving Feast. Our Feast will be on Thursday, November 20th. Please be sure to reserve that date; you will truly enjoy the food and the songs that your child has practiced! Each Care Bear will be allowed to bring two guests.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Staci's Notes:

This part of the year is so much fun and very busy. It's time for us to talk about Halloween. Wednesday the Care Bears and Teddy Bears will be making "Witch's Brew" for their cook day. The Pooh Bears are making "Goblin cookies” for cook day. Thursday is toy day please try and remember to bring a Halloween toy. Friday is our Halloween carnival; please send your child in their costume. You may want to send extra clothes for them to change into after the carnival and their parties. Also, don't forget to bring your bag of candy and the party item you signed up for in your child's classroom. Thank you for all your help.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fall Fun

Friday, October 17, 2008

Staci's Notes:

The Care Bears had a great time at Motely's Pumpkin Patch. They were so well behaved. They enjoyed snack while watching pig races, the farm zoo and playing in the hay playground. Finally, we picked out our pumpkins and ate our picnic lunch.
This is the last week of our color unit. We will be talking about Black. Teddy Bears, Pooh Bears and Care Bears will all be baking "Spider cookies" on Wednesday. Thursday is the day to bring your favorite black toy. Friday we will all be wearing Black and reading books about black.

*Halloween Carnival*
It is also that time to sign up for party items in your child's classroom. Be sure to check their list by the sign out sheets. Each child needs to bring a bag of individually wrapped candy by October 29th.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Staci's Notes:

Thank you to the Benton Firemen who came to visit last Thursday. The Pooh Bears and Care Bears enjoyed checking out the fire truck and seeing Mr. Goodman all dressed up in his full uniform.
This week we are talking about Orange. We are all making Jack-O-lantern cakes for cook day! The Care Bears are going to Motley's pumpkin patch on Friday, October 17th. Be sure to bring your child's sack lunch, so we can all enjoy our picnic.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Staci's Notes:

We are heading into the home-stretch of our colors unit. This week we will be talking about Brown. The Pooh Bears and Care Bears will be making Chocolate pudding cake. The Teddy Bears are making Gingerbread men on Wednesday. Thursday is our toy day so please try to remember a brown toy, a teddy bear would be perfect. Friday is book day and there are several books about brown out there; Mr. Brown can Moo, Can you? - Dr. Suess, A Color of his Own - Leo Lionni, The House of Seven Colors - Sesame Street, Brown Bear, Brown Bear - Eric Carle, just to name a few.