Corporal White at TLC

Corporal White at TLC

Friday, August 29, 2008

Staci's Notes:

We are beginning our eight week long unit about colors. This week we will be talking about red. Please encourage your child to find things that are red in their everyday life at home, shopping, in the car, etc. They love it when we all get involved in their weekly units. Each classroom is working on their own "Book of Colors" once we finish the following eight weeks be sure to check the bookshelf in your child's classroom.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Staci's Notes:

This week we will be finishing up our two week unit about "Circus". The Pooh Bears had a great time last week making Carousels for snack. The Care Bears made a "Circus Train" and the Teddy Bears made "Clown faces". It sure was yummy! Please try to send a stuffed animal that you might find at the circus on Thursday for Toy day and a Circus book for Book day!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Staci's Notes:

It is time gear up for school! Just a few reminders for our van riders:
The vans will be loading and leaving for
Westbrook, Angie Grant, Howard Perrin, Caldwell and Ringgold by 7:20! Due to the distances driven or the combination of schools, we cannot wait to on anyone to arrive.
After school van riders, we need a phone call if your child is absent from school, has been checked out, or is a car rider. This way we won't be looking for them. This is a courtesy to the other children waiting on the van, our staff and parents waiting here while we are trying to locate someone.


Monday, August 4, 2008

Staci"s Notes:

This week we are talking about dinosaurs. The Care Bears are making shadow boxes with old shoe boxes, so if you have any extra shoe please send us some to use. They would greatly appreciate it. The Teddy Bears are making Dinosaur chow for snack. While the Care Bears and Pooh Bear have decided to make Dinosaur bones. Be sure to ask how this is done!

*School-Age Parents*
School starts back the 18th for everyone 1st grade and older. The Kindergartner's will start the 20th. To make sure you have a spot sign the orange fall enrollment form at the front desk by Friday! Thank you!