Corporal White at TLC

Corporal White at TLC

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Staci's Notes:

This is our last week of storybook characters. We are wrapping up with Jack and the Beanstalk. They are all so excited about baking "Bean Cupcakes" in each of the rooms. Be sure to ask how they made their cupcakes, you might be surprised.

*Pooh Bears and Care Bears*
Water Play Stretch-N-Grow will continue through the next few weeks, as it is getting warmer and it has been so much fun! Thank you Ms. Susan!

*School-Age Parents*
Be sure to pick your August calendars they are at the front desk for you! Thank you!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Staci's Notes:

This week we are talking about The Three billy Goats Gruff. The Care Bears and the Teddy Bears are making Troll eyes for cook day. The Pooh Bears are making the Green Grassy Hill for the Gruff brothers to climb. They are so excited! Even the School Age kids are getting involved and performing plays for the preschool and each other the first part of next week! They are working so hard and are so excited about performing for the Care Bears and Pooh Bears.
~ Staci

Monday, July 14, 2008

Staci's Notes:

We are continuing our Storybook Characters unit. This week we will be talking about The Three Little Pigs. The Pooh Bears and Care Bears will be making puppets and acting out the story in their rooms. They will be making each of the houses from the story. They are so excited about learning this story. Be sure to ask them to tell them to tell you The Three Little Pigs.


Saturday, July 5, 2008

Staci's Notes:

We are beginning our four week long unit about Storybook Characters. This week will be talking about Goldilocks and The Three Bears. One morning we will be making "porridge". We will also bring our teddy bears on Thursday for toy day to act out the story. The Care Bears and Pooh Bears are making puppets so they can act out the story for you when they get home. They will be so excited to show off how much they have learned this week.

*School-age Parents*
Be sure to grab a July calendar so you know where we are going each day and your child can have what they need for each trip. Thank you!