Corporal White at TLC

Corporal White at TLC

Monday, June 30, 2008

Staci's Notes:

I Love America is our unit for this week. We will be talking about our wonderful country, America. We will be spending our circle time talking about how each of us celebrate our holiday time, Picnics, camping, Fireworks, etc. This is a great opportunity to make our kids of the importance of the 4th.

We will be closed in observation of Independence Day! Hope you all enjoy the long weekend!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Staci's Notes

This week we will be talking about vegetables. We are so excited to let them taste different things.
This is also the week that we will begin our water Stretch-N-Grow for Pooh Bears and Care Bears with Ms. Susan. We will continue this every week until the end of July so please be sure to send your child in their swimsuit. Please send extra clothes, a towel, socks, and tennis shoes.

*School-age Parents*
Please remember socks for Party Central and Skating days. Thank you!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Staci's Notes:

This week we will be talking about fruits. Wednesday we will have a fruit-tasting party. You may want to ask your child what new and interesting fruits they tasted.

Thank you to all the Care Bear dads that stopped by for "Donuts for Dads" on Friday. It was a great success. They had such a great time sharing breakfast with just you. What a special treat! Be sure to check out the slide show below!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Staci's Notes:

We have finished up the first week of summer. Next Friday, the Care Bears have a special treat planned for their dads. We will have donuts, coffee, milk and juice from 7:oo - 8:30 in the Care Bear room for our annual Donuts for Dads. Please drop in and share a this special time with your child.

*School Age Parents*
Please be sure to send your child a lunch everyday except Monday; we provide pizza. If haven't picked up your calendar, please click on the link to the right and print one to have handy. Your child will be able to attend all of their activities and have everything they will need to participate!