Corporal White at TLC

Corporal White at TLC

Monday, March 31, 2008

Staci's Notes:

I hope that you all have enjoyed the Easter pictures!

Care Bear Parents the Zoo trip information is posted in your child's classroom. Please be sure to sign them up and stay informed about all of our upcoming events!

School Age Parents - It's time to signto sign up for summer again! Remember that summer registration is $18. Summer tuition will be $105.50this year and will include all activities!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Staci's Notes:

Thank you to all of you for making our Easter egg hunt such a great success! I hope you all have a happy a safe Easter. We are now beginning to confirm our summer enrollment so please let me know as soon as possible what your plans are for the summer! The Care Bears have a zoo field trip planned for Apirl 16th. We'll have more information about that in the coming week. Look for sign up sheets in your child's class by Apirl 3rd.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Staci's Notes:

I hope everyone enjoyed the winter weather this past Friday! The Home depot kid's workshop project is coming along they are just waiting for the project they ordered for us to come in and then the Care Bears will be build something with either Mr. Ben or Mr. David. The Easter bunny needs to have eggs and candy to stuff by Friday for our Easter egg hunt on Thursday, the 20th, so please so don't forget. We want all the classes to have a great time hunting eggs! Be sure to look for pictures of your child on Thursday after the egg hunt because they'll be posted!

Thank you for continuing to check!


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Staci's Notes:

We are just about to wrap up our Community Helpers unit! Thank you to all that helped out in volunteering to visit and chare your job with us. We have had so much fun. We still have a few more visitors coming at the end of this week. We have someone from Home Depot coming to build with the Care Bears in the next few weeks, too. Don't forget that Daylight Savings time begins Sunday morning, so set your clocks ahead before bed! Easter notes are posted in your child's room so be sure to check to see what they need to make their Easter egg hunt a great success!
